Extreme cruelty on elephants by so called temples in India

  • von: Mahendra Ramachandra
  • empfänger: Chief Minister, Kerala, India. Minister for forests and environment, Govt of India, New Delhi, India

In the name and pretext of religion, GURUVAYUR temple in Thirsur in Kerala, India, is keeping their elephants in a most tortuous and cruel situation.
Following excerpt from a Newspaper (“THE HINDU “ dated 25/10/2015.) and reference to web site http://goo,gl/of9cTl will make things evident of the existing ground truth. The video shows that these unfortunate animals are being kept in a most horrible and unbelievable condition.
The elephant in the photograph by name ‘Adityan’ is one of the elephants, kept in this ‘temple’ at GURUVAYUR, Thirsur in Kerala, India. His forelimb has been deliberately fractured, and is permanently chained with its fore and back legs stretched and tied by bulky chains. There are many elephants which are under similar or worse torture. Each of these animals has been disabled in one way or the other. None are in a condition to stand up right, leave alone walk.
The report shows that all the elephants are chained with no exercise. Often, the heavy chains cut into the flesh and become embedded, making it impossible to remove them. The elephants are exposed to the vagaries of the sun and rain and live in slush and their own droppings. India has umpteen numbers of acts, such as the prevention of cruelty to animals Act; but is unable to enforce them, because of the temple taking disadvantage of the name of religion. The temple is earning crores of rupees, by hiring them for display in various functions. Since the Government of India, in spite of the existence of an Animal Welfare Board, is unable to enforce any of the cruelty acts against the temple, what is required is a concerted international effort to free these gentle giants from their hellish existence.

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