Stop the War on Women: Don't Let Pharmacists Deny Contraceptive Prescriptions

The "morning-after pill," or Plan B, is a legally approved medication.

But in a unanimous vote of consideration, the Washington State Board of Pharmacy took a step towards giving pharmacists the legal right to refuse to dispense emergency contraceptives, or any other medication, on moral grounds.
The justification? If someone is denied Plan B, or any other medication at one pharmacy, they can just go to another.

But for women in rural areas, their local pharmacy is often the ONLY pharmacy in the neighborhood. If the "morning-after pill" must be taken within 72 hours after intercourse, these women will be powerless to prevent unintended pregnancy. While emergency contraception is the catalyst behind this proposed law, it would set a dangerous precedent for all medications, giving pharmacists the power to "morally" object to doling out any other prescription: AIDS/HIV medications, STD medications, obesity treatments; what about condoms?

What's at stake has nothing to do with health - it has everything to do with control and imposing subjective morality. This proposal represents a blatant discrimination against women and a clear violation of consumer rights.

Send a message to the Washington State Board of Pharmacy and the governor; we don't want any state to moralize our access to prescriptions.

Dear Decision Maker,

I am writing to you regarding the Washington State Board of Pharmacy's unanimous vote of consideration giving pharmacists the right to refuse to dispense medications based on non-medical, personal judgments.

I believe this policy with its broad rights of refusal will be detrimental to patient care in our state. Specifically, I am concerned about the impact on women's access to emergency contraception, an important contraceptive option that helps prevent unintended pregnancy and is more effective the sooner it is taken.


Thank you.
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