Demand Investigation of Illegal White House Leak

Demand an investigation of White House leak!

Leaking the identity of a CIA agent is a serious felony. This past July, however, White House officials allegedly jeopardized national security by leaking the name of an undercover CIA agent to six journalists for political reasons.

To make matters worse, the Justice Department has yet to name a special counsel to investigate, and George Bush has yet to call on John Ashcroft to appoint one. Sign this petition to demand an unbiased investigation of this treasonous act! Sign petition below.

Attorney General John Ashcroft promises a “full” investigation, and Bush claims to have “all the confidence in the world” in the Justice Department, but without an independent prosecutor, can we trust the White House investigators to undertake a thorough and honest investigation?

There are numerous conflicts of interest between the White House and John Ashcroft’s Department of Justice. For example, Ashcoft paid Bush political strategist Karl Rove nearly $750,000 as a consultant to several of his campaigns. Maybe that’s why a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that 68% of the American public believe a special prosecutor is needed to uncover the truth.

Why was the information leaked? Early this year, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson spoke out against President Bush’s position on Iraq. It is alleged that, in retaliation, two administration officials leaked the name of his wife, an undercover CIA agent, to six journalists. Former President George H. W. Bush, in a 1999 speech to the CIA, called those who leak the names of undercover CIA agents "the most insidious of traitors."

Help bring these traitors to justice! Demand an independent investigation!

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Dear Attorney General John Ashcroft:

The allegations that senior administration officials revealed the name of a covert CIA operative are extremely serious. It is vitally important that the persons conducting this investigation be independent of the administration in order to discover the truth. Because you serve at the pleasure of the president, and because Karl Rove has worked as a consultant to you, you should recuse yourself from this matter and appoint a special counsel to conduct the independent investigation.
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