Over 75 Animals Were Rescued From Abuse. We Must Make Sure It Doesn't Happen Again.

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Auburn, West Virginia Law Enforcement

Starving raccoons. Pigs dying of thirst. Dogs so thin that every bone is visible in their body. Seven animals dead and decaying on the floor. This is the scene that officers found after a series of complaints were made about a house in West Virginia.

Sign now to demand that the perpetrator of this violence never be allowed to own animals again!

When police officers arrived at the house in question, animals were so hungry and thirsty that they were waiting desperately at the door. Yet even after complaints that brought them to the home, the officers had no idea just how atrocious and deplorable this case of animal cruelty really was. In fact, the situation was so dire that one local officer claimed that after 35 years of being on the police force, it was the worst case of animal abuse he had ever seen. The woman who abused the dozens of racoons, pigs, dogs, chickens, and ducks is now being charged with 12 counts of felony animal cruelty, but we need to demand that proper sentencing keeps her from harming any more animals. 

There is strong evidence that people who commit animal abuse are likely to be repeat offenders, so the most important thing local law enforcement must focus on is preventing this from happening again – this woman must never be allowed to own another animal. Defenseless and voiceless against this kind of abuse, animals are entirely at our mercy, trusting us to care for them and keep them safe. Once someone has broken that trust – in just a particularly heinous way – then they must lose the privilege of owning animals.

Sign the petition now if you want local law enforcement to deny this woman from ever possessing animals again
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