I respectfully request a revision of the policy pertaining to the distribution of school funds to include providing breakfast/lunch for the preschool students.

  • von: Brandi Daniels
  • empfänger: I, Brandi Nicole Daiels, am petitioning the Financial and Administration Services Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Roger Dorson.

I am greatly displeased to be informed that the youngest students in Caruthersville, MO elementary school, thirty 4-5 year old students, are being denied a nutritional and well balanced meal that will continue to be provided to the rest of the student body. I was further displeased and found it to be quite disturbing to learn that the surplus of food that could be otherwise given to these toddlers is being thrown away instead. It was explained to me that throwing away food not eaten is school policy per health codes. There are a great many families that rely on the school provided meals due to various financial strains at home. There is even a program during summer break to continue providing the breakfasts and lunches to those families who would otherwise be unable to, or struggle to, provide. It has been common knowledge and doctor recommended for several decades that eating a well balanced breakfast is important for both the body and the mind. I find this to be more than unfair. It is unjust to so carelessly disregard the provision of the most important meal of the day to these young students, not because they don't have the food, but because policy dictates that it be thrown away, and because the school budget states that there isn't enough funds to include the preschool students in food distribution. I implore you, not only as a mother, but as a humanist to join me in this petition to instate a permanent regulation providing preschoolers with the same nutritional meals as the rest of the student body. Thank you.

Update #1vor 8 Jahren
We need as much support as possible. Please think of the children.
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