Bring Mark and Brian to Sirius

  • von: Ronald Ragan
  • empfänger: Hillary Schupf, Talk/Entertainment Media Relations, Sirius Satellite Radio
We would like to see Mark & Brian make the next logical step and be broadcast/simulcast via Sirius Satellite Radio, coast to coast.  Disney, the Mark & Brian Show's parent company is already on Sirius and the Mark and Brian show is currently broadcasted over the internet, it seems satellite is the next logical step and there is no better choice than Sirius.  It’s good for Mark & Brian’s listeners, it’s good for Disney investors and it makes a great alternative for those Sirius subscribers that prefer not to listen to Howard.

We the undersigned would like to petition the Mark & Brian radio program, ABC Radio, The Walk Disney Company and Sirius Satellite Radio to bring Mark & Brian to Sirius.  Mark & Brian, who have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, are legends across the US.  There are many fans that have moved from the Los Angeles and area away from the many cities that broadcast their show. It is our hope that with a proper show of support, a mutually beneficial arrangement can be found that will bring the Mark & Brian show to Sirius. 

Mark & Brian (Mark Thompson and Brian Phelps) are the hosts of The Mark & Brian Show, a nationally-syndicated weekday morning radio show which is broadcast from KLOS-FM in Los Angeles, California. Their show blends comedy sketches, listener phone calls, interviews with in-studio guests, and an occasional "road trip." They also host many live events (including their annual Christmas variety show), and they are active supporters of numerous charities.

Mark & Brian Show debuted in September 1987 and is now in its nineteenth year. In recognition of their radio work, Mark & Brian have been two-time winners of the Billboard Magazine "Air Personalities of the Year" award; they received a 1991 National Association of Broadcasters Marconi Award as "Air Personalities of the Year"; and they have been honored with their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Mark & Brian have released three CD compilations of material from their morning show: All Of Me (1995), You Had To Be There (1997), and Little Drummer Boys (2000). All proceeds were donated to their favorite charities.

The enormous popularity of their radio show has given Mark & Brian several opportunities to branch out into other entertainment media. In 1991-92 they hosted a short-lived NBC TV series, The Adventures of Mark & Brian, based on their radio show. The duo has also appeared in several motion pictures, notably Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (the 1997 ninth installment in the Friday the 13th series), the documentary Trekkies (1997), and The Princess Diaries (2001).

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