You've Been Sold Out to AT&T, Verizon and Comcast

  • von: CREDO Action
  • empfänger: 74 Democratic Members of the House
Seventy-four Democratic members of Congress just sold you out to AT&T, Verizon and Comcast (find out who here). They signed industry-backed letters telling the FCC to abandon efforts to protect Internet users by prohibiting big companies from blocking Internet traffic.

We need to tell these representatives that you're upset by their decision to side with the wealthy telecommunications corporations over their constituents.

Not only is this letter an attack on net neutrality, but by signing the industry letter, they are attempting to drastically undercut the FCC's ability to make a fast, affordable and open Internet available to everyone in America. They are actually taking a position against the interests of rural and low-income communities.

We need to make sure these members of Congress know that their constituents are paying attention and will hold them accountable when they undermine net neutrality protections.

Please tell these 74 House Democrats that it's unacceptable for them to sell out their constituents. Sign the petition today.
Dear Member of Congress,

I strongly object to your decision to co-sign an industry-backed letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski urging the FCC to allow broadband Internet companies to police themselves.

We can no more trust AT&T, Verizon and Comcast to protect a free and open Internet any more than we could trust BP to protect the oceans.

I want you to stand up for consumers like me, not sell out to wealthy corporations.
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