Sneakers Arson: Petition of Solidarity & Demand of Proper Investigation

As stated by Mary Green here:

"Sneakers will be closed indefinitely due to someone breaking in and setting us on fire. Thanks to the Jamestown Fire Dept the damage was pretty much contained to the downstairs but cleanup will be quite extensive. This fire was deliberately set and came very close to killing all of us that live here. Anyone with info please get in touch with me & I will put you in touch with the investigating people."

Please join this petition in a act of solidarity for the LGBTQ+ community in Jamestown, NY, and in demand for a proper investigation of this crime. A safe place is needed. Now is the time for you to exercise your power as an ally.

Update #1vor 6 Jahren
Thank you so much for signing this petition! We gathered over a hundred signatures in less than 24 hours. Your act of solidarity is appreciated. We shall all anxiously await updates on the investigation of this crime. In the meantime, keep your brothers and sisters in mind and heart, especially those of directly effected by the arson of Sneakers.
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