We must stand together to stop the illegal practices of a national multibillion-dollar Geico (Government Insurance Company) corporation who discriminates against disabled drivers.

  • von: Merceda Gooding
  • empfänger: Tony Nicely, CEO, Maryland State Senante Judicial Committee, Governor Logan, Maryland Insurance Administration Commissioner
We must stand together to stop the illegal practices of a national multibillion-dollar Geico (Government Insurance Company) corporation who discriminates against disabled drivers. The State of Maryland must stop agencies from discriminating against a disabled person from the access to due process. Agencies are required to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures where necessary to avoid discrimination of service, program, or activities. I’ve been a loyal customer to Geico for over 10 years, I reported to Geico that I was disabled in a conversation while reporting my first fault accident on 10/18/2015 (accident forgiveness) however, four days later Geico sent me a non-renewal notice. Geico is well acknowledged of Maryland’s law and violated the “underwriting regulations” by failing to report a speeding ticket violation which I disclosed to Geico in 2013. Geico withheld and failed to report this violation to MIA and used it against me 2 1/2 years later; they should be held liable for failing to report an insurance violation. An employee from Geico informs me that Geico decided to use these deceptive methods because of my 1st fault accident/disability.

Geico was never penalized by Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) for failing and maliciously withhold the insurance law and later uses it, this is illegal however fraudulent. During the MIA’s investigation process, MIA refused to acknowledge these dishonorable acts from Geico. However, Geico continues to violate Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) Regulations COMAR 28.03.01. and canceled my insurance before the 30-day period supplying me with a refund, Geico violated my right to have a fair hearing with insurance by MIA’s letter 2/25/2016.
Every state must have and execute laws that prohibit unfair, discriminatory, or deceptive insurance practices. These regulations define what is acceptable conduct in the insurance industry and uncover everything from sales practices to policy cancellation/non-renewal. Therefore, Geico shouldn’t have the right not to disclose their documents against a disabled consumer. Maryland Insurance Administration and legislators must re-evaluate Geico’s "Unfair Methods of Competition" and "Unfair or Deceptive Acts and Patterns of Practices" applying increased surcharges to low-income disabled persons. In addition, Geico must be held liable for failing to promptly report a violation in 2013 and using it later demonstrates a statuary of “bad faith”. Geico refuses to disclose their ratings, deceptive logs and documents which are illegal and abusive.

Under Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Acts, an auto insurance company may not knowingly misrepresent material facts or relevant policy provisions in connection with a claim. Geico maliciously misrepresents material facts and maliciously added irrelevant information in their letter to Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) 12/16/2015. It was an attempt to enforce policy provisions that were altered by the company without properly report a violation in a timely notice until after 2 1/2 years and refused to disclose or make me aware of the law. Geico has been penalized for "excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory," practices and falsified logs proven in class actions lawsuits in many states such as Illinois, California, Delaware, New Jersey and Boston, etc., the State of Maryland legislators should be concern and execute legislations to ensure and prevent Geico’s company misuse of these factors against their consumers.

As the GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES INSURANCE COMPANY (GEICO) has a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (PAC) that lobbies and contributes to majority Republicans and some Democratic political candidates since 2000. Geico’s political contribution and funds to supports political campaigns for special interest shouldn’t deny the rights of any disabled Geico’s consumers.
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