Tell George Clooney to stop promoting non eco-friendly espresso pods

Tell George Clooney to stop promoting non eco-friendly espresso pods

Hollywood actor, George Clooney, has been promoting Nespresso pods, appearing in sustainability advertisements in Australia that promote the company's recycling program.

However, Nespresso's coffee pods are made of aluminum and even though an ad shows them being placed in a recycling bin, they are not recyclable.

As a result, Nespresso faces needing to defend its so-called ‘sustainability program’ to the federal consumer watchdog in Australia.

Australia has embraced the pod phenomenon - but the cost includes the addition of more non-recyclable household waste.

Nespresso is the market leader in the coffee-capsule sector, which has grown by almost 1000 per cent in five years.

George Clooney is respected not only as an actor, but also for his work in areas such as civil rights. Please ask him to take an interest in saving the environment and sign the petition to tell him to stop promoting non eco-friendly espresso pods.

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