Moratorium on Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing in Tuscarawas County

Tuscarawas County, Ohio, is facing large scale industrial drilling with the new oil and gas boom.  But current laws don't allow citizens, cities, or counties to enact local ordinances regarding where drilling can occur and in what manner.   Current state regulations do not offer adequate protection to the public and the environment from horizontal hydraulic fracturing's (fracking) harmful impacts.

    There is the potential for:
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Adverse health impacts and expenses
  • Loss of property values
  • Possible threats to mortgage and insurance coverage guarantees
  • Possible water, air, and ground pollution
  • Threat to water security in a water scarce state
  • Legal costs to prove harm and loss
  • Cost to taxpayer for remediation of contaminated land or water, damaged roads, etc.
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