Resurrect The Government's Plan To Print & Issue Banknotes In The Denomination Of $3 & Put Balto On The Front Of A $3 Federal Reserve Note & A Great Race Of Mercy Theme On The Reverse Of The New $3 Note & Sketch The Plans Together, For A Y

  • von: Thomas J C
  • empfänger: U.S. Treasury Bureau of Engraving & Printing, Federal Reserve, Congress

When the U.S. government first started issuing our uniformed currency, with the "Legal Tender Act" in 1862, the government issued $1, $2 and higher denomination Legal Tender notes, however, on the 1862 $1 and $2 Legal Tender notes, there were numerals 1, 2, and 3, on the front of the $1 and $2 denominations, and on the 1862 $1 Legal Tender note, the numeral "1" is highlighted, and on the 1862 $2 Legal Tender note, the numeral "2" is highlighted, and below the numeral 2, there is a numeral "3" indicating that, there were originally plans to issue a $3 Legal Tender note, that somehow got dropped. I would have NEVER even dreamed of suggesting to create such an odd denomination of currency, let alone with the portrait of a deceased hero "dog" on the $3 note (Which would be a $3 Federal Reserve note today) had the government not planned to issue a $3 note in the past. People would think I was crazy. But if a $3 note wasn't a crazy idea back in 1862, I don't think, nor see why it would be viewed as crazier today.

My concern is, dogs have served, and lost their lives serving humankind, and continue to serve, and lose their lives serving humankind, and since a famous "non-human" has never been honored as the portrait of a U.S. currency note, and Balto seems to be one of the most well known hero dogs (this tribute is to honor true story hero dogs, and excludes "false famous dogs" like celebrity, movie, presidential pets etc.), I propose that his image adorn the front of the new $3 notes, and a "Great Race of Mercy" theme on the reverse, with mountains, trees, bushes, rocks, a sled being pulled by a team of dogs, with a North American Red Fox perched on a piece of driftwood, overhanging a small stream that the sled team is crossing, a crescent moon, with half of a Gray Wolf face inside the side of the moon that is not showing, and a Coyote on a hill in the background howling at the moon. This will honor the wild dog relatives that our domestic canine companions came from, and to honor and appreciate these wild canine species who provided fur for clothing, to keep the Native Americans, Eskimos and other tribes etc. warm, bones for tools, jewelry and such, and that still ( needlessly, and usually, horrifically) give their lives in the name of fashion, today.

(Due to copyright issues, I believe all I can do, is request that you Google a "Balto" image search, to see his taxidermy-ed body in the image search, if you want to see what he would look like on the $3 note.)

Why put Balto on what would likely be the least used denomination of U.S. currency? Because, if I tried proposing to replace a President, or other important "human" figure, with what most people would claim is "just a dog" and not important enough to replace a historic human figure , would just frown upon such a proposal. Thus, Balto would likely have to go on the least important currency denomination in circulation.

This is NOT a "prank" or a "practical joke" I have been proposing Balto on a currency note, since 1995, when I was 15 years old, and I will be 37 years old in late November. If this were a "joke" it would have died and ended, over two decades ago. I did not spend more than 2/3 of my life to "toy" with people on this issue, nor did I toy with my idea to support it.

I will see if I can get permission to add the real Balto on this petition, tomorrow, if I remember.

These New Balto/Great Race of Mercy $3 notes should be unveiled in the year 2020, along with the new $5, $10 and $20 notes, and released into circulation on the date of February 2, 2025, marking the 100th anniversary of the day Balto completed the Great Race of Mercy. That is the goal.

All dollar bill readers and other such paper currency accepting machines made after the year 2019, must be redesigned to have a new model made, with a $3 note accepting option, and all self checkout machines at retail stores must be equipt to accept and dispense the $3 denomination as needed, as well.

If the Balto $3 note does not gain wide circulation, the same amount of print runs of $3 notes must match or excceed the amount of the current printings of the President Thomas Jefferson $2 notes, depending on how much demand there is for $2 and $3 notes.

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