Tell Paul Ryan "Reject Racism, Rescind Your Endorsement of Donald Trump"

  • von: Chris Burley
  • empfänger: Congressman Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House
As Speaker of the House of Representatives and one of the GOP's top leaders, Congressman Ryan holds a critical piece of Donald Trump's presidential bid in his hands. In light of Trump's latest racially-charged comments, it's time for the Republican Speaker of the House to rescind his endorsement.

Ryan's decision to maintain his endorsement of Donald Trump for president continues to play a profound role in shaping the future of the Republican party, the outcome of the election and determining what kind of country millions of Americans will live in once all the votes are cast.

Racism,[1] sexism,[2] xenophobia,[3] persistent violence from Trump supporters,[4] narcissism,[5] ignorance of foreign[6] and fiscal policy[7] — Speaker Ryan has countless reasons to stand on principle and revoke his endorsement of Donald Trump.

By continuing to endorse Donald Trump, Paul Ryan is disregarding the principles of the party of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt to try and put Trump in the Oval Office.

It's not too late to save America from a Trump White House. Please send Speaker Ryan a brief, polite message right now urging him to put the state of the union above shortsighted partisan gains by NOT giving the GOP seal of approval to Trump's twisted vision of America.








Speaker Ryan:

I strongly urge you to revoke your endorsement of Donald Trump for President of the United States. Time and time again, he has alienated women, minorities and broad swaths of the American public. He has demonstrated a stunning lack of knowledge on fiscal and foreign policy and a spectacular disregard for facts and penchant for self promotion at the expense of the truth.

[Your comments here]

He is a poor standard bearer for the Republican party and would be a terrible president. You — and perhaps you alone — have the power to unchain the Republican party from Donald Trump's disturbing campaign. Please do not condone his twisted vision for America. Revoke your endorsement of Donald Trump for president.


[Your name]
Update #4vor 7 Jahren
Unbelievable. Donald Trump just "joked" about how "2nd Amendment people" could stop Hillary Clinton's judicial nominees if she's elected president. It's a poorly veiled threat masquerading as an awful joke and Paul Ryan and the Republican party are still standing by the unhinged businessman. This has gone too far. Urge your Facebook friends to call on Ryan to revoke his support for Trump right now.
Update #3vor 7 Jahren
This week, military veterans in Congress called on GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to revoke his endorsement of Donald Trump for President of the United States, citing his appalling attacks on the family of slain Army Captain Humayun Khan. Pressure is building on the GOP leadership to take a stand for what's right. Please share this petition on Facebook to spread the word.
Update #2vor 7 Jahren
GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryan calls Donald Trump's attacks on Mexican-American judge Gonzalo Curiel as "the textbook definition of racism." So why is Ryan still supporting Trump for president? Urge Speaker Ryan to rescind his support for Trump and then share this petition on Facebook and Twitter.
Update #1vor 8 Jahren
It's happened. Despite our best efforts, Paul Ryan has endorsed Donald Trump. Now it's up to you, me, and every responsible voter we know to stop Trump from securing the White House. Please sign and share this petition to tell us you're in.
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