Pokemon Trainer - "Switch Pokemon" from "Down Special", to "Side Taunt" in Smash Bros Ultimate

It is believed that the Pokemon Trainer in the upcoming game 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate', will use the same, or similar control scheme as they did in their debut 'Super Smash Bros.' game, 'Super Smash Bros. Brawl'. There are 2 major issues with this implementation. 1. The loss of a full move set for any of the 3 Pokemon that Pokemon Trainer uses. 2. Their is no way to choose which Pokemon you want to switch to when you do want to switch.

We propose that the ability be moved from the "Down, Special" controls, to the directional Taunt controls. This would fix both of the existing issues with the implementation of the Pokemon Trainer. It would open up the "Down, Special" ability, to allow for full move sets on all 3 Pokemon. It would also allow for a method by which players could choose which Pokemon they would like to switch to. For example, if you are currently using Ivysaur, you could press "Left-side Taunt" for Suqirtle, or "Right-side Taunt" for Charizard.

We are all fans of 'Super Smash Bros.', and we will all be happy to play the game not matter what happens. We just want to see the Pokemon Trainer be the best they can be. We want players who Love Squirtle, Ivysaur, or Charizard so much, that they don't want to switch pokemon, to be able to have access to full move sets. We want 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' to be the best that it can be.

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