Keep shark products out of our diets.

Michelin are renowned the world over for exacting standards and meticulous attention to detail when it comes to fine dining and accommodation.
They have exacting demands and requirements that need to be met before they associate their name with an establishment.
Following their recent publication of the 2012 Hong Kong and Macau guide, we feel the timing is right to educate them to the horrors of shark finning and the health and financial implications of their recommendation to eat at hotels and restaurants that serve any shark related dish.
The issue of Methyl Mercury poisoning is fast becoming a glonal issue and the aim of this petition is to make Michelin aware of their responsibilities to their readers with regards to the safeguarding of their health when dining.
We the undersigned would like to bring your attention to an urgent issue concerning the plight of the shark globally.

In this age of blaming organisations for financial gain, I feel it is important to highlight some implications for your recent Hong Kong and Macau restaurant guide.

With the ongoing struggles to raise awareness concerning the plight of the shark due to over fishing and finning, the backing of organisations such as your own, for restaurants that sell shark dishes are not helping people such as ourselves with our efforts.

There is also a health issue related to our campaigns.  As apex predators, the amount of Methyl Mercury held in their tissues is vastly above the recommended (WHO) guidelines.

Methly Mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins in humans and by endorsing establishments that serve shark steak or shark fin soup, you are associating yourselfs with eateries that are happy to poison their clients for the sake of financial gain.

We would hope that an organisation such as your own would be willing to highlight the dangers of eating shark related products to your readers and show the world that you are indeed an organisation that takes its image and its reputation seriously, as well as playing a part in the conservation of a species that is essential to the whole marine eco-system.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter and wish you every success in the future.
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