Tierrechte Petitionen

Let's stand together for animal rights

It's time to take action on animal rights. Around the world, animals are subjected to cruelty and denied even the most basic considerations. The same rights that we believe to be unalienable for humans should be protected for animals as well. And it is up to us to make it happen.

Every animal, from the smallest mouse to the largest elephant, has value and the right to a long, happy, healthy life free of suffering. Every living creature deserves to have its basic needs met -- adequate food and water and comfortable living conditions. But most of all, every animal deserves a life protected from inhumane treatment and suffering. It is time to stand together, advocate for animal rights, and make our voices heard.

Animals are in danger of cruelty and abuse at the hands of humans everyday. In 2007, the media brought to light 1,880 cases of animal cruelty. It is a staggering number and terrifying to think of so many animals suffering all over the world. Sadly, the reality is that 1880 represents only a small percentage of the grand total. Most animal cruelty goes unnoticed and unreported and it often continues with no end in sight. Dogs continue to suffer abuse at the hands of their owners, hens continue to be crammed into cages so small that they can't spread their wings, endangered species continue to be hunted to the point of extinction, and nobody notices or takes action. Everyday, humans deny animals the same basic privileges that we expect for ourselves. These animals can feel pain and fear, joy and love, just like humans. But they don't have a voice to speak up for themselves. They can't band together to advocate for animal rights on their own. They can't change the conditions they live in or the world around them. That's where we come in.

When you support a zoo that treats its animals well, when you specifically choose products that have not been tested on animals, and when you support farms that engage in humane practices, your actions have a tremendous impact on the lives of animals around the world. But when you create or sign a petition advocating for animal rights, you become part of the Care2 community -- a community that has made world-changing impact through starting and supporting online petitions and campaigns. We are a community united for good. By standing together and advocating for animal rights and animal welfare, we can create a kinder, gentler, more inclusive world. Join our community and contribute to a sea change in our culture. We will improve the way that humans think about and interact with animals.

The petitions below cover a range of animal rights issues, from protesting unethical animal testing to protecting wildlife from exploitation; from preventing animal cruelty at factory farms to rescuing pets from abuse. We partner with a number of animal rights organizations to advocate for animal rights and promote animal welfare.

By signing these petitions, or creating one of your own, you have the opportunity to protect an animal from cruelty or exploitation. Your support of the petitions below will create a better life for animals around the world.

When we stand together, our actions have an impact. Let's stand together for animal rights.

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Tierrechte Petitionen

von: Lady Freethinker
von: SEE Turtles
von: Humane Society of the United States
von: Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue
von: Humane Society Silicon Valley
von: Humane Society Silicon Valley
von: SPCA International
von: Freedom for Animals