Umwelt- und Naturschutz Petitionen

It's time to stand together on environmental issues.

It's time to stand together on the environmental issues we face today: climate change, wildlife extinction, pollution, and abuse of natural resources. These issues often feel so vague and distant that we loose sight of them in our daily lives. But our actions today have a tremendous impact on the earth, its sustainability, and our future.

We take our planet for granted. The Earth has always been here for us and we expect that it will always be, regardless of how we treat it or how we care for the life that inhabits it. But we know now, more than ever, that what we do has an impact. The extreme weather we've experienced across the globe in recent years has been scientifically linked to human-induced climate change. The environmental issues we've created have grown too big to ignore. As humans, we have a responsibility to do right by the animals, plants, natural resources, and wonders of nature that surround us. It is up to us to protect our planet.

Unfortunately, facing these issues can be overwhelming at best. At worst, our environmental issues are so intricately intertwined that solving any one of them, let alone all of them, can feel impossible. Our environmental issues are woven into a giant web that could take years of hard work to untangle.

But we can't turn a blind eye to these problems just because they are big and complex. We know that, if we come together, these issues are not insurmountable. Through the strength of our community and by coming together to take action, we can turn the tide on climate change. And we must. Our lives depend on it.

Our petitions cover a wide range of environmental issues, from protecting endangered wildlife to advocating for sustainable energy policy; from requesting better funding for climate change research to urging states to ban the use of pesticides. We partner with environmental and conservation organizations so that, together, we can create change. Together, we can speak out about pollution in our communities. We can urge our elected officials to consider the environment when they create policy. We can save the places we love on this earth and ensure that they are here for future generations to enjoy. When we stand together, anything is possible.

When you create or sign a petition advocating for the environmental issues that matter to you, you become part of the Care2 community -- a community that has made world-changing impact through starting campaigns and supporting each other's work. When you create or sign a petition, you join a community united for good. Your signature conveys your support for the environmental issues that plague us today and your voice will be heard. With your support, we'll begin to solve environmental issues in our own communities and around the world.

When we stand together, our actions have an impact. When we unite for good, we can contribute to the solution. Let's stand together and take action on the environmental issues we face today.

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Umwelt- und Naturschutz Petitionen

von: Restore the Mississippi River Delta
von: Rainforest Action Network
von: Restore the Mississippi River Delta
von: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
von: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
von: Environmental Defense Action Fund