He Discovered His Ex-Girlfriend Had Sexually Abused Their Dog, and it Was Caught on Film

A man in Michigan recently discovered that his now ex-girlfriend was sexually abusing their dog, Max. Warning: disturbing details follow.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

The boyfriend was reviewing footage on the couple's home security cameras, when he found that the cameras had caught a 6-minute-long video of the woman inviting their dog over and then performing sexual acts on it.

During the course of that incident, the camera catches her saying to Max, "good boy."

The man was obviously extremely disturbed and worried for his dog's safety, so he brought the footage to police. They have since charged her with animal abuse and ordered her to not have any contact with pets or other animals.

Luckily, Max is now safe, back with the ex-boyfriend and away from the abusive woman.

While it's good that authorities took this case seriously, it's alarming that they have not charged her with bestiality. Instead, bizarrely, they've charged her with sodomy, which makes no sense! Intimate acts between consenting humans should be legal, but sexual acts with animals shouldn't be.

Tell Michigan authorities to charge this animal abuser with bestiality! Sign the petition now!
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