Praise Festival for Canceling Captive Elephant Appearance

  • von: Care2 member
  • empfänger: Bourbonnais Friendship Festival Chairman

"Captive elephant Nosey’s scheduled appearance at the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival in Bourbonnais, Illinois, was recently canceled after animal rights organizations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) brought Nosey’s case to light. Since her appearance was canceled, Nosey did not have to travel in cramped, uncomfortable conditions to perform tricks and walk in circles repeatedly while allowing patrons to ride on her back.

Nosey has been held in captivity for most of her life, and despite her Florida owners’ multiple violations against the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), nothing has been done to improve her living conditions. Nosey continues to be held in confinement without proper veterinary care while being forced to frequently travel and perform in circuses and festivals. A highly sociable animal, she remains chained alone and does not have any interactions with other elephants during her time in captivity. Solitary confinement for such extended periods of time is completely unacceptable. 

Thanks to the Bourbonnais Friendship Festival, there has been a small victory for Nosey in the long battle to save her. It is mindful choices like this one that make a statement, letting others know that using animals for entertainment is cruel and must be stopped."

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