Save the Wolves from Slaughter and Sterilization

The Alberta Government is currently endorsing an experiment by the University of Alberta that will sterilize the Alpha male and female and destroy other wolves in the pack.  The U of A plans to destroy the wolf pups by shooting them.  

This experiment is partially geared toward satisfying elk hunters.  By decreasing the number of wolves who natually prey on elk there would be more elk for hunters to gun for.

Click here for a link to an article in the Edmonton Journal concerning this matter

We ask all opposed to this erroneous experiment to please sign the petition and forward on to any one you feel would be interested.   If you are the 1000th signature please forward onto .  You can also contact the Government of Alberta directly with your own comments concerning this matter.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -  Mahatma Gandhi

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