Stomp Out Animal Cruelty From Chemical Testing!

This petition is to help our voiceless friends. More than 100 million animals are killed each year in laboratories around the world because of testing chemicals on them for the safety of humans wether it’s makeup, pesticides, medicines and certain foods. The registration of a single pesticide requires more than 50 experiments and the use of as many as 12,000 animals. They also note that, according to the Food and Drug Administration, 92% of pharmaceuticals that pass the animal testing stage are eventually abandoned. Animal models have misled scientists in the past and this has resulted in human deaths. Penicillin stayed on the shelf for over a decade because the rabbits Fleming tested it on led him to believe it would be ineffective in humans. Scientists were misled about the way HIV enters the human cell because of studies on monkeys. The polio vaccine was delayed by decades because the way monkeys responded turned out to be very different from the way humans reacted. The cardiopulmonary bypass machine killed the first patients it was used on and it was only after human data was used that the machine was made safe.


To the government, I hate you.

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