Allow Dedicated Animal Massage and Bodywork Therapists to work

    Equine massage and Bodywork therapists are being intimidated to not work even though there is no law written to forbid their working. I propose the following amendment to the massage therapy education law:

    The New York State Massage Board has a clause for persons who are exempt from normal licensing requirements for massage therapy in the Education Law as it applies to massage therapists, Article 155, Section 7805. I am proposing to add Animal Massage Therapists to be listed in this section with the following caveats.
    Nothing in the Law would be construed to prohibit the following:
    Animal massage therapists who have graduated from an accredited animal massage course and who belong to the professional organization: International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork/Association of Canine Water Therapy (IAAMB/ACWT), which requires continuing education.
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