Stop NextDoor advertising Live Animals for Sale/Free

    Thanks to all the wonderful neighbours who use NextDoor and took the time to post support for my protest re the advertising of live animals for sale/free. I was expecting some objections but the response was completely positive. Given the lively arguments that so often flare up, I was amazed and delighted that so many of us agree on this issue.
    So, cheered on by you good people, I'm starting a Care2 petition which I hope I will be able to forward to the mysterious people who run NextDoor.
    We know that there was recently a protest to stop Gumtree advertising live animals, also some sadist posted himself throwing kittens to his fighting dogs.
    PLEASE, NextDoor, if someone tries to post an advert for selling/giving away live animals, set up an auto-response directing them to reputable animal charities e.g. RSPCA, Dogs Trust, Cats Protection and do NOT carry these adverts.
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