Put an End to the Pitbull Ban! Let Pitbulls be free!

Pitbulls are not vicious dogs! They are loyal, loving and wonderful dogs and shouldn't be banned! They are not born vicious, it is the way that they are trained! Rottweilers are allowed to roam free and, if trained to be vicious, can be just as bad as Pitbulls! So please let Pitbulls be free and stop discriminating against them!

Pitbulls are not vicious dogs! They are loyal, loving and wonderful dogs and shouldn't be banned! They are not born vicious, it is the way that they are trained! Rottweilers are allowed to roam free and, if trained to be vicious, can be just as bad as Pitbulls! So please let Pitbulls be free and stop discriminating against them!

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