Animal cruelty is an on going problem. Most people don't know it but animal cruelty is happening every where RIGHT NOW. Animal fights are still a problem even though most have stopped. And YOU, yes you, an adverage citizen can stop it. If you see even the slightest sign of animal cruelty call animal control immeditaly! Do not wait thinking someone else will do it because all the other people think that too. I made a list of things you can do to help with this problem:

                      • If you think someone is not treating an animal right call the Humane Society or Animal Control RIGHT AWAY!

                      • If you can, adopt an animal from a Humane Society. Never buy pure bred animals from breeders because the animals could have came from a puppy mill or an unreliable breeder

                      • Donate to an animal shelter or Volunteer at one.

If you do anyone of these things or find your own way to help remember that you are a good person and you are saving an innocent life!

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