The long  version, I have had the pleasure to have many many Chinese Shar-Pei dogs to allow ME to be their owner and friend! I new "Urgeny Care" opened not long ago, for Fri. Sat. and Sun. hours obviously to help people in need when Vetranarians are usually closed those hours. DMV PAUL BARRAS, subleases a well established and loved business, and my normal vet that I have known for 25 years…I want it clear DMV Dr. Favaloro and owner of FOREST PARK ANIMAL care, other weekly Dr.s and staff have NOTHING to do with this. I took my baby in Fri, 6pm… picked her up at 10pm. Dr. Barras from the beginning clearly had an attitude about something, he says.. " hmmm, a Shar-Pei… haven't seen one of those in a while ". They are a breed that vets usually are cautious about and some won't even see because they are aggressive, however, Dr. Favaloro has learned they are amazing, I bring a new to him… he will sit on the floor and allow the dog to like him. My Bluebell wouldn't eat on thur. And was gulping water… lethargic. So after picking up and paying $250.00 for an IV of saline solution, I wanted a diagnosis and he said she will be fine, just a gastrointestinal issue. I had emailed in Fri, their website says to email and make an appointment and they call back. I live a mile from .. I got no call back ever , or email response… so I just showed up. Sat… she wasn't good, I emailed… Sun, was at their door 2pm when they opened, not busy, crying, 2 grown men with crying one being my son, and I said she's way worse, did you get an X-ray, or blood work? Then here it goes… he didn't and his answer was… a no, so I said, can we do one now?? Or bloodwork? Like, what did I pay $250.00 for with no receipt? His receptionist said , I think you need to leave, I'm said, please help her, she can hardly breathe , walk, I'm eye dropping fluids in her, then he says, you only paid a deposit, she's says you still owe $40.00! Really??? Deposit would mean they knew she'd probably need to come back clearly, and then they could probably charge a lot while I was distraught. As he got caught not doing anything for me and no diagnosis he said he refused to see her , we needed to leave, or police would be called!!! My son said, please do any X-ray, Dr, said, it wouldn't matter and to get out. Walked out. Went home in disbelief, laid down with her, calling people , Shar-Pei founder on the phone, crying, then she had a bad seizure, and I will never forget this horrible and preventable event!!! I am no stranger to death, dealing with it is life, I saw my own mom die ….. however I wasn't prepared for, her big gasps for air, choking, still seizing as I'm looking into her eyes… jerking, gasping, her eyes faded, I thought she was gone, but she still had a slow pulse and I was so hopeless and felt like a horrible human….she continued to jerk and gasp… finally it stopped for what seemed a long time, 5:11 pm, Sun she was dead after having been thrown out of MY normal vets office that I actually remodeled , as an artist they have 12 original dog and cat paintings on their walls that clients LOVE, took me a lot to work on those at home, I transformed the lobby, painted the exam rooms and made cabinets in the room art with kind messages for clients to read while waiting…. I feel like I got evicted out of my house! As I did so much work for the office, all of the vets did a lot of work for me as well, dog with cancer, cut leg off, eye entripion surgery, mass on leg removed, ear packing. Heart worm treatment, rat poison from my neighbor almost killed my Sammy…. And compassionately know put my dogs to sleep whenever I needed, Dr. Favaloro was is so caring, I had his cell, I know 3 dogs in a year he met on on the weekend, no questions, and 10 minutes the animals suffering was over. That 8 dogs they worked on for me… as I worked on the office… never a money question or an attitude. I need to understand why she is dead. Lastly, public information and Mr, Barras is disturbing, he has owned a live animal transport company that shipped animals to labs to basically be experimented on, then he owned a Banfield franchise in a SC PetsMart. When they found this out, they severed their relationship, he had no comment. PETA has pressured to shut him down, and protestors made signs with his face, saying EVIL animal killer. As a vet., you save animals, so what a conflict of interest to just drop them off to die. And where was he getting live animals? Please google this info, it is fact… not just a review from someone. He gets to my small town and was the head vet at another wonderful clinic and a crazy busy one too, and I don't know the reason that didn't work out and why he's no longer there, hence creating this URGENT CARE business that has been needed here, but, he did not care about my poor baby girl, my family, my tears, and the fact I am known in this town as an animal activist and a Shar-Pei lover and saver . I need answers !!! Please help me force him to explain why he was ok to allow me to go home with a dying dog and not even offer euthanasia so she wouldn't suffer!!!! Thank you, Emily Walder

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