🐾 Take Action for Pets in Texas! 🐾

    If you have been following any posts on Facebook, you may have noticed that overcrowding at local shelters has reached a crisis point and it's been this way for too long with no end in sight!

    We need you to foster, to adopt, to donate, to volunteer.

    But we also need *long-term* change in our communities. We need you to make NOISE with your legislators.

    Today, a little less than half of the dogs who walk into shelters across Texas, leave in trash bags. Texas continues to rank at the top of the list for animal euthanasia.

    What to ask for:
    🐾 A pet overpopulation task force to work on solutions to pet overpopulation in all shelters in Jefferson County.

    🐾 An increased budget for local animal shelters, so they can treat illness and injuries at the shelter more effectively, improve outreach, and afford to send more animals to adopters out of state.

    🐾 Leadership and awareness: local leaders should be vocal in encouraging spaying, neutering, and rescuing.

    🐾 Mandatory spay/neuter laws (and enforcement): while some cities have spay/neuter laws, these are not often enforced. Other cities do not have them at all. Requiring sterilization of all pets would drastically reduce the animal population.

    🐾 Incentivizing pet-friendly rental (houses, townhomes, apartments, specifically those that restrict specific breeds.

    🐾 Financial support for heartworm prevention, pet food banks and veterinary care to keep financially strapped owners from surrendering their pets.

    For some ideas on who to write to and a sample email/script, go to:
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