Take action in reshaping the world to improve our lives

  • by: Political Activists or Activists in the Economy
  • recipient: Americans, The President of the United States with all other leaders of other constitutional countries, US Congress, The Government(s), US Senate, US Vice President, who's in control of what around the world

This petition is global. Our objective is to win the war. For the war on terrorism let the soldiers from that country deal with them instead of wasting money on American soldiers around the world. Also greed like in businesses, government and insurance is part of the problem the economy went out of shape and so many cuts in general. War has also hurt the economy. People aren't all insured for damage on their property and housing issues too as there are many reasons we're signing this petition. Also issues with insurance claims like on public places or homes. 

This petition for us all helping each other out on things. Let's have confidence in signing this petition and be confident on this petition. This petition is in need of confidence. Politicians don't completely have the power to change those things but this petition is to go to all those around the world that do. This petition could also go to state politicians.

It's not just making the world and country great. There's poverty going on as a reason for signing this petition. The war in the middle east has caused sequestration. 

Years of war in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein is what it is the most that got us in a mess with both budget and economy crisis and all kinds of cuts in general of as what this feels like.
This petition is mostly so much affecting us. The economy was in the worst shape in the great depression in world history and this petition is also on the economic recovery. If it has recovered before after the great depression it should again. This is almost anything to take action for and anyone to send the letters for reshaping the world. I send this to Americans as well as we need to take responsibility for our own actions .This petition is supposed to go to people that can do things about those situations and in control of all that stuff that this petition is about so it's not just to politicians. There is American greed as well as corporate greed in the world and that's part of the problem with the economic downfall. This is mostly on the economy in bad shape. It's not just oil companies greedy that affect us. We know from the bad economy allot of work hours get cut or businesses cut short on employees. Let's even take action to get the unemployment rate to the lowest we can get. It's also that budget cuts are said to be bad for the economy but the economic crisis and financial crisis world wide appears to trigger budget cuts to become common. We have had the global financial crisis as well in those past years. This petition is to take action for reshape from that as well. Part of it was that the economy was discovered to be in bad shape. This petition is also for taking action on recession.

There have been college prices ridiculous as well and having to raise prices of things because of high gas prices as of 2008. That's ridiculous. Colleges might not be greedy but many things are having prices even too high. Part of signing this petition is for helping the poor in the world. Maybe even fares and tolls are ridiculous. Part of this petition is on tax cuts along with taking action on property taxes ridiculous. As of again this petition goes to all the people in control of that as of the target of this petition being to Americans but could be forwarded to people all over the world. This petition goes to all people around the world in control of the prices of gas and oil as well. This is to all those in control of those prices all over the world.

There are other businesses greedy. There must be other things than greed in businesses or ridiculous prices of things upsetting the economy. There had to be budget cuts and there are hours of workers being cut along with maybe salaries. Even businesses having to cut short on employees. There had to even be budget cuts. Cuts on things were getting common in 2007. There was the global financial crisis in 2007 as this petition is also for taking action on that. There might as well be cuts on businesses doing business in the recession. We know that businesses lost business to high gas prices, the economic issues and even anything else affecting us with even businesses gone out of business. Even education cut backs from the economy crisis got common.

This is a bit about undoing so much damage that the Bush/Cheney administration had done just. There has been allot of blaming the Bush/Cheney administration for the economy out of shape and high gas prices as George W. Bush was in oil businesses.

We want to have this petition to the people in control of things. Part of the problem on the economy crisis is that prices of things are too high and it's not good for business as it could chase away customers. So much greed and stupidity in the world to how the economy is in bad shape. This is the reason is goes to Americans. It's like the people in control of the situations like even car insurance as well. This petition is also to go to those in control of the prices of gas. Maybe as long as cars run on gas there could be more support on fuel efficient cars and cars running on the better alternatives than gas. There should even be airplanes, helicopters, boats, truck and buses fuel efficient along with other motor vehicles. Maybe even all those other motor vehicles along with cars have the better energy sources than gas. This is even about getting the prices of gas to the lowest they can get to or anything on the lowest the prices can be.

There are waiting lists on things. It's not just to get lessons to drive cars or commercial vehicles but issues with joining emergency services and the unemployment rate is at the highest. This could happen in highly populated areas that driving schools for cars have too many on the waiting lists to get everyone on waiting lists. Not all driving schools in the world have waiting lists but so many private driving schools have long waiting lists. The job issues and issues with joining emergency services are more important than issues with driving schools. There have been enrollments affected by the bad economy as driving schools can't accept enrollments usually. Most people in the world use common sense as first time driver's license applicants with learner's permits learning to drive use driving schools and driving schools easily get affected by economic issues. It's common sense or many of us use common sense as first time driver's license applicants with learner's permits to have behind the wheel with a driving school for being safer to learn to drive and car insurance reductions. It's not just the behind the wheel lessons that are on waiting lists of driving schools as we believe. There could be almost anything on waiting lists for driving schools. Also there should be more people to get qualified to train people with special needs to drive and all driving schools in the world should cater special needs and they'll get more businesses. There is the Americans with Disabilities Act and laws against discrimination. The ADA has been signed by George H. W. Bush in 1990 but amended by George W. Bush in 2008. There are many reasons for longer waiting lists on special needs people on driving lessons. This petition goes to all those who can do something about this.

Let's take action to improve our lives when signing this petition. You others could share this with people you know to get them to sign if they can. You people should comment on petition signatures what you are taking action for or just leave comments on the signatures to this petition. This could fit in more signatures whether or not those petitions reached their signature goals.
There are oil companies greedy and selfish and we consider it price gouging and profiteering. Also this is to help in putting things back together in the economic recovery as we are all affected in different ways by the economy out of shape. This petition is even on sharing thoughts and concerns with politicians.

This petition isn't all about undoing damage of the Bush/Cheney administration. This petition is mostly about the economy. This could take years for the economy recovery as this petition is mostly on the economy. It's longer then thought on the economy in bad shape. There are other things than ridiculous prices of things to upset economy. We know that there have been banking issues and stock market crashes. Things even go rare in the economic crash. This could even take years of our lives to recover from years of the economy in bad shape. This petition is under politics since there are politicians to send this too. It's not all on politics. It would be helpful to put comments in signatures and what you are taking action for when signing this petition. This petition is being linked with petitions that are what this petition is about so only 1,000 signatures are needed and could get more signatures if the goal is reached and should still be opened after reaching 1,000 signatures on it. There are people with certain jobs to not share this petition with and you others could share this petition with people you know to get signatures on it. This is also for help putting back together things from the economy crisis that's longer than we thought.

This could happen anywhere being affected by the economic downfall. This is on any of the situations affecting us in the past years of when this petition was created. This petition is also from on an economic recovery we could also take action to put things back together from the economic downfall. This petition could take time for success.

It's better to use initials or don't display name for safety when signing the petitions. You could share this with other people you know as long as they could go on this site.

Those are people with jobs related to this petition that shouldn't sign it and you people could share this petition with people who could sign it. The jobs where to not sign this petition if you don't have to stay off of petitions sites are gas stations, oil companies (they are targets of this petition), colleges or car insurance.

Signing this petition and even much signatures might as well be helping faster or as fast as we can in fixing things like reshaping the economy and putting things back together from the economic downfall.

What else on this petition like examples of ridiculous prices of things are medical insurance and the food with drinks at the movies along with tickets. Gas prices and car insurance prices are a part of what this petition is on. So many things on ridiculous prices like going to college. Anything else important with ridiculous prices? If so please post here on why we're signing.

This petition is also on links below as it needs 1,000 signatures at least.




Police training is more important like figuring waiting lists going longer in police training as of education cuts. There's a coffee party facebook group that's budget and economy. As of war as that's part of the problem for a budget and economy crisis and the real part of the problem we should let the soldiers in the countries over seas deal with the terrorists like Al Queida and ISIS. Our soldiers should be in our country rather than all over the world like funding them and their supplies. Our soldiers should only be on our land in the fight against organizations like ISIS. We have economic recovery as our goal.

Police training is more important like figuring waiting lists going longer in police training as of education cuts. There's a coffee party facebook group that's budget and economy. As of war as that's part of the problem for a budget and economy crisis and the real part of the problem we should let the soldiers in the countries over seas deal with the terrorists like Al Queida and ISIS. Our soldiers should be in our country rather than all over the world like funding them and their supplies. Our soldiers should only be on our land in the fight against organizations like ISIS. We have economic recovery as our goal.

This petition is on other sites as well to get more and more signatures on it. Also this is to go to all state and federal house of representatives of each state. Not just New Jersey. This petition is to go to federal politicians around the world in the free countries.

This petition is not all about me but other people as well.

I was supposed to have the 6 hours of behind the wheel tripled for me as of the driving instructor's idea on what might be helpful to make me a better driver. My driving instructor resigned after he was out sick and I had only one lesson. It took me years to pass the written test and I had wanted to drive my whole adult life. We know it's common sense or many of us use common sense as first time driver's license applicants with learner's permits to have behind the wheel with a driving school for being safer to learn to drive and car insurance reductions. It could one day be required by law that first time learners in driving are to take behind the wheel for safety of learning to drive. It's required by law to have behind the wheel on the early bird road in the Garden State.

Nobody else was willing to put in all those hours with me as of things to cut back on. I am getting mad that I can't get driving lessons. We tried all of our nearest driving schools and everything to get me driving lessons. I can't even arrange to take the road test. Every driving school being equal in the world should cater to special needs. I have autism and learning differences. I was supposed to go longer on the driving school and had only one lesson and there's the Americans with Disabilities Act but the driving school went on a waiting list after my instructor out sick. It would be good for business and more driving instructors to qualify for special needs like autism, learning differences, ADD or ADHD. We do have laws against discrimination. Other people near me are finally getting driving lessons. I know that there are others who are stuck on behind the wheel.

I badly want to drive. There are other people out there not getting driving lessons as well. This started to happen in later 2007-2008. It took me a while to realize driving schools are on waiting lists. They even have too many other people on the waiting lists to get us all on the waiting list. I blamed it all on high gas prices when it's really the economy in bad shape and took me a while to figure it out. There's even a link to a post on the care2 group linking other petitions that this petition is about. This could fit in more signatures whether or not those petitions reached their signature goals. There are other issues to that this petition is taking action on like pay rates down on jobs and work hours cut. We should be able to afford so much we need.

This is for help in putting back together things from the economy in bad shape once it was discovered affecting us. I knew that there are more important things to signing this petition than issues with driving schools. I got into reshaping the world because of the issues with driving schools. It could've taken me a life time to ever get the passed the written test as of my learning differences. It's worse being stuck on behind the wheel than the written test. I should've years ago gone onto sites with more test questions and read them with the right answers to them. The written test if very hard for me to pass.

There's a PE teacher I know that has experience teaching driver's ed that is into opening a driving school as he retires teaching PE for the Ocean County, New Jersey area all through out there. This petition isn't all about me but people around the world as the more important things than issues with driving schools are joining power companies and emergency services. I am lucky to have a job since I was 19 years old as I work for a food service company. This petition should also go to  Hilary Clinton as she's considering running for president in 2016 to also share thoughts with. Also to John Kerry who ran for president in 2004 as he's the secretary of state.


That link is links on the other petitions on who the other targets are on that petition to send to. There’s a link below for a petition to this group.


The Author of this petition who owns the group that has those 7 posts below to put in with the petition whether or not his. The Post with Links to the Petition, To Save America: Yes, We Will, Take Action, Tax Cuts 4 the Rich, Take Responsibility for your Own Actions and Share Thought, The Economy Post & Repowering America and the World. Those posts are subject to archive on that group on the link for this petition.

This petition to you people should go onto all activist sites as of so much affecting us.

We need to stop being greedy with charging ridiculous prices on things like on most of what we need and that's a part of the problem why the economy is in bad shape with fiscal issues in 2007 along with budget issues or a crisis to cause cuts to get common and the economy crisis that started in very early 2008. We also had the global financial crisis of 2007 that lead to the economic crash of 2008. This petition is to go even to governors of each state or territory. This goes to each state senate and all house of representatives members with the all the federal senators or each state. This goes to the spokesperson as well from each state with assembly people from each state. Not just New Jersey. It’s not just the price of gas to the lowest on reshaping the world but to get electric cars or fuel efficiency on all motor vehicles with eco friendly vehicles.

Also we know that the economy crashed in 2008. Taxing so much is a part of the problem why the economy is in bad shape. Also to sign this petition it's to get power lines overhead to be put in the grounds more affordable as power lines really need to be in the grounds. It's a longer waiting list on driving schools for the behind the wheel for special needs learners as I figure it's less qualifying for them.

There have also been housing issues and many work hour cuts as we know. High gas prices is a major part of the problem why the economy went in such bad shape. Allot of greed in businesses.

I have this petition on all those other links below...











This is for the thing on causes.com.

Reshaping the World Petition




This petition to you people should be on all activist sites to get enough signatures for success. Any of you could have children or grandchildren with one day learning to drive that should take behind the wheel.

Update #56 years ago
This isn't working much. I don't give up.
Update #48 years ago
It's not looking good with gaining signatures. People are too lazy to sign or too selfish.
Update #310 years ago
Those links below are various reasons for signing this petition on NEWS sources.


You could always check there for new updates on links.
Update #210 years ago
This is to be deleted.
Update #110 years ago
This is to be deleted.
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