Hey Showtime, We need a Queer As Folk reunion movie

As progress in Marriage Equality picks up steam throughout the country it's time for Showtime to bring back the original cast to tie up all the loose ends and celebrate the victories.  Now that gay marriage is legal in Pennsylvania,  our favorite Pittsburgh residents Carl and Debbie can finally tie the knot.  Michael and Ben can be legally married and Mel and Lindsay can move back from Toronto. 

The loyals fans of this groundbreaking show deserve some closure and the chance to celebrate the victories with a show that was instrumental in getting the ball rolling. Plus it would be so fascinating to explore how their lives have changed in 10 years time.  Come on Showtime the loyal fans of this show and the amazingly talented cast deserve one more time together.

Dear Showtime,

I hope these over 12,000 signatures gathered from the internet show you the justification to film a reunion movie of Queer as Folk.  With ten years having passed since it went off the air, there is so much to update and add closure to. This show was loved round the world and the characters have become part of lives. Please let's make this happen

Update #110 years ago
Thanks to all who have signed so far, we are in the home stretch here.

Just a few reminders.

Please only sign once, it destroys the integrity of the petition when you sign multiple times.

Please add your name. If you don't put a name, it also looks fake.

Lets do it the right way and get the results to make this happen.

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