Demand Biden push for a ceasefire in Gaza ASAP!

  • by: OD Action
  • recipient: Biden administration

The relentless Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip has killed over 9,000 people and wounded 32,0000 more, most of them women and children. This is more casualties in THREE WEEKS than Ukraine has suffered in over a year of war. 

Recent Israeli airstrikes have targeted a United Nations school full of refugees and an ambulance convoy outside of Al-Shifa hospital, leaving dozens dead and maimed. These atrocities cannot be allowed to continue. It's time for President Biden to pressure Israel for a cease-fire.

Tell President Biden to push for a ceasefire in Gaza!

The horror stories are beyond comprehension. 3,600 children have been killed and countless more brutally disfigured or crippled. That's more children than were killed in conflict in the entire world all last year. 

One airstrike's only survivor was year-old Milissa, whose mother had gone into labor during the attack and was found dead beneath the rubble, the heads of her lifeless twin newborns emerging from her birth canal. Doctors say the airstrike that killed the girl's family fractured her spine and paralyzed her from the chest down. 

No child, no person, should ever have to suffer these agonies. The bombing MUST stop.

Demand Biden push for a ceasefire in Gaza ASAP!

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