Get Cartoon Network to air Total Drama again!

Ever since Total Drama ended last year,CN has decided to stop airing reruns of the show because it's over.Total Drama is the coolest show that has ever been on CN,and as a matter of fact,they air it every Summer! Except for this Summer... :( And even though Summer is coming to an end,we should still get it back on the air.Anyone who loves this show as much as I do knows exactly what I'm talking about! CN stopped showing TD just like they stopped showing 6teen and Stoked after they both ended.Some kids never even got to see this show! So sign this petition now and DEMAND that Cartoon Network starts airing Total Drama again! It doesn't have to always air in the Summer,it can air anytime!

Total Drama officially ended last year! Because of this,Cartoon network stopped airing this show just like they stopped airing 6teen and Stoked after they ended!

Save one of the coolest shows on CN and get it back! :)

Update #59 years ago
Let today's kids know what they've missed before!
Update #49 years ago
This show really is good! I know some folks who like this show,too!
Update #39 years ago
CN doesn't have to keep airing it in the Summer,they should air it every Thursday for a Throwback segment.
Update #29 years ago
We can let them know that they should air it not only in the Summer,but also air it on Thursdays for a throwback day.Today's kids will never know what this show is until CN starts airing it again.
Update #19 years ago
Time to sign! Sign it if you like this show!
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