Tell us if Barbara Kurth ever got justice!

Barbara Kurth was smeared all over the press in the 1990s because she wanted to see and/or etsablish a relationship with her daughters.Her husband, Steve Fagan, skipped town with their kids and latched on to wealthy women as a freeloader. Fagan told his kids that their mother had died in a car accident. When Kurth found them,Fagan claimed she was neglectful and alcoholic and thats why he fled. Kurth at the time had her Phd and was a university professor. She maintained she was not alcoholic but instead had narcolepsy for which she got treated.Fagan brainwashed the kids and was said to have organized crime ties to Chico Krantz and others. The girls had been programmed to hate their mother who they never met. It would be nice to find out if the girls are grew up and gave their mother, who obviously cared about them, a chance to know her girls.The media has not followed up and i have felt sad for Kurth ever since. 

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