Support Fair Co-Pays for Physical Therapy

Dear New York State Legislature:

We the undersigned want fair and affordable health insurance co-pays for physical therapy.

New Yorkers are paying up to $50 in physical therapy co-pays.
Health plans call this a specialty co-pay.


We hope you will support all New Yorkers who work in physical therapy, have family in physical therapy, or depend on physical therapy.

Fair co-pays do equal better results. Please co-sponsor and support S.4321 (Breslin)/A.8171

For more information on what you can do to help, please visit:

Thank you.
We the undersigned want fair and affordable co-pays for physical therapy.
New Yorkers are paying up to $50 in physical therapy co-pays.
Health plans call this a specialty co-pay.


We hope you will support all New Yorkers who work in physical therapy, have family in physical
therapy, or depend on physical therapy.

Fair co-pays do equal better results. Please co-sponsor and support S.4321 (Breslin)/A.8171

Thank you.
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