• al: John Fish
  • destinatario: Senator Rand Paul

Location: 144 Lana Court
Victoria Gardens Apartments (formerly) Blue Diamond Apartments, Office, 333 Whispering Brook Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40229

To: Kentucky, Senator, Rand Paul

We, the People, of this World, United, demand, that this City of Louisville, Kentucky, Government, City Housing Authority, Director, Timothy Barry, be immediately, fired, and prosecuted.

This obituary picture, was a low-income, HUD Section 8 Choice Voucher, recipient, Wilma Jean Seward, who was wantonly, placed, into these Slumlords, vacant apartment, at 144 Lana Court, Louisville, Kentucky.

Who was unsuspecting why this apartment became vacant, caused by these concealed, airborne, black molds, mycotoxins, that are known to causes, serious, permanent, physical harms, and deaths.

Who was wantonly, placed, by this criminally corrupt, City Housing Authority, Director, Timothy Barry, because he is criminally conspiring, with these, and all other City, multi-family, Slumlords, to profiteer, with these HUD funds, pocketing, $20.5 million dollars, annually. 2/ 3/

Why he fraudulently, hired, this known, nine-counts, money thieving, deceitful, dishonest, convicted felons, John Bradley F., as this City, Housing Inspections, Executive Administrator.

Why later he was fraudulently hired, as this City, Office of Management & Budget, Finance Manager.

Why this assigned, bribed, City, Housing Inspector, Christopher M., and his bribed, wife, City, Environmental Health, Inspector, Manager, Kelly M., are inspecting, to fraudulently, Pass, not to Fail, all of this Slumlords, buildings, apartments, City, HUD, housing codes, and health hazards, violations. 2/3/4

To continue to profiteer, why they are never removing, relocating, any of these sickened, dying, complaining, low-income, HUD Section 8 recipients, and who are causing their physical harms, to worsen, causing deaths. 2/

Why I complained, to this criminally corrupt, City Housing Authority, Director, and why I requested him to immediately, remove, relocate, Wilma Jean Seward, to save her health, and life, who not to expose these HUD frauds, and to continue to profiteer, why he did not. 3/

Why he continued to cause her health, to worsen, and was killing her, why I complained via, Senator, Rand Paul, this congressional inquiry, that was sent to the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Office of the Inspector General, to inspect, investigate.

Who requested that this criminally corrupt, City Housing Authority, Director, to inspect, Wilma Jean Seward, 144 Lana Court Apartment, and to respond in writing of his inspection findings.

Why on July 24, 2012, this criminally corrupt, City, Housing Authority, Director, wrote, and fraudulently, lied, to this Kentucky, Senator, Rand Paul, and to HUD Office of the Inspector General, that no molds were discovered, and why this HUD recipient was not sick, is healthy, and why she was not removed, relocated.

Who this criminally corrupt, City Housing Authority, Director, caused, committed, this tragic, felonious, reckless homicide, murder, of Wilma Jean Seward, on January 22, 2013. 

That after her murder, why the family hired a certified, Environmental Health Management, company, and Laboratory, who tested, verified, that cause of Wilma Jean Seward’s, death was caused by her chronic exposures, to massive, spore counts, of black molds, mycotoxins. 1/

Who found a City Lawyer, to represent them, but who was bribed by this criminally corrupt, City Government, and why he left the law firm, and this City, a richer, man.

On August 4, 2017 the HUD Office of the Inspector General, wrote this HUD Audit Report 2017-AT-1010. 2/

Who by my complaints, inspected, numerous, Slumlords, buildings, apartments, and who discovered, that this City, Housing Authority, Director, is inspecting, to fraudulently, Pass, not to fail, hundreds, of City, HUD, housing codes, and health hazards, violations.

Who discovered is placing, exposing, wantonly, endangering, imminently threatening, these low-income, Peoples, lives, health’s. 2/ 

Who ordered this criminally corrupt, City Housing Authority, Director, to immediately, remove, relocate, to save their lives, health’s, and the HUD Office of the Inspector General, discovered, that he did not do. 2/

Who continues today, to profiteer, to wantonly, harm, murder, and who is not being held accountable, responsible.






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