Stop Trump Administrations First Step in Repealing the Affordable Care Act!

On October 6th, the Trump Administration expanded exemptions for the birth control mandate under the Affordable Care Act reason being religious and moral, meaning more and more businesses can deny women the right to free and fundamental birth control medication. This is only the first step in repealing the Affordable Care Act which has brought millions of people the medication they need. This action does not take into consideration the women who are affected. But does take into consideration the businesses who religious beliefs do not agree with birth control, but for those businesses to decide their employees cannot have free access to that birth control and for the government to promote that is unconstitutional according the the first amendment rights. This issue needs to be heard and understood so that we know what our government is promoting and overlooking. Many large organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union have already taken steps to take this issue to court but that does not mean your voice does not need to be heard! The more supporters the more people will listen to this and more issues like this!

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