Let's Work Together to Fix Medicare!

The American Medical Association has teamed up with over 100 other physician organizations to send a list of recommendations to Congress. Their goal? To fix the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula and provide long-term Medicare reforms aimed at improving the quality of patient care while lowering growth in costs.

The time has come for Congress to acknowledge there is NOTHING sustainable about SGR--the cost of fixing it rises every time they pass another short term patch--and this year marks the 15 year anniversary of this "short-term" solution.

Physicians have joined together in unprecedented numbers and sent a message to Congress: We want to work with you to fix the problem, so please support us in our mission.

Send a message to Congress- Physicians and patients have both had enough of "short term" Medicare fixes. It's time to work together and solve the problem!
Dear [Representative],

Over 100 physician organizations are urging the U.S. government to revitalize the Medicare program. Please support physicians by working with them to improve Medicare through long-term and cost-effective reforms.

The Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) is just a quick-fix that actually makes it more difficult in the long run to fix the Medicare system. Relying on the SGR prevents quality and affordable healthcare for the millions of patients waiting for a permanent solution.

[Your comments added here.]

The SGR was intended to be a short-term strategy, but it's been in place for 15 consecutive years. It's time to move forward with our healthcare system.

Let's work together on a long-term solution to Medicare that physicians and patients can both count on!

[Your name here]
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