Urge the National Institute for Health to Fund More Research for Crohn's and Colitis

For as long as he can remember, Evan Mundine has loved soccer. He began playing at the age of three, and spent all of his free time devoted to learning as much as he could about the sport.

But by the time Evan turned 8, Crohn's Disease intruded on his dreams. Intense stomach pain prevented him from playing in games and enjoying team events.

Chances are you know someone like Evan — 1.6 million Americans have Crohn's or colitis, also known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). IBD is a debilitating, long-term illness with no known cure.

Evan was not helpless. He chose to turn his energy towards providing hope and healing for people impacted by Crohn's and colitis. He has teamed up with Major League Soccer players and raised thousands of dollars for Crohn's and colitis Research.

"My dream is for my generation to be the last one to know IBD as having no cure," said Evan.

This is our dream, too. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America is dedicated to helping people living with IBD, and that's why we're pushing for more funding for biomedical research from the National Institute of Health. A meaningful increase in funding at top research centers can make a huge difference in developing the breakthroughs we need.

Stand with Evan and take action today and help push for increased funding for Crohn's and colitis research at the National Institute of Health. Together, we will find a cure!
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