End Medical Abuse Now! Demand New York State and every state mandate a Patient Protective Services division and law to protect patients from criminal doctors, nurses and social workers now.

    Demand New York State and every state to mandate a new Patient Protective Services (PPS) division and a law to revoke medical licenses and social worker licenses, to protect adults and children from all doctors, nurses, medical personnel, and social workers of wrongdoing with a PPS hotline number to call. Doctors, nurses and medical personnel are committing crimes and getting away with the crimes because medical records have been altered to change test results, doctors do not disclose life ending Illnesses to patient yet each doctor the patient goes to knows the issues and refuses to disclose the Information to the patient, they all abuse their power by making statements who would believe you over me, lying on the patient, and doctors are protecting each other instead of helping the patient with a life threatening illness and they need to immediately lose their licenses, be fined and attend trial. It needs to be made illegal for a doctor or nurse or medical office staff employee to call ahead to Quest labs and Well Now Urgent Care facilities to alert these facilities that the patient is coming there to get testing done and to block and stall so the testing does not occur at that facility or any facility. It should also be made illegal for any facility but namely Well Now Urgent Care facilities to somehow red flag or make notes on the computer system to block the patient access to HIV testing at all locations on the eastern seaboard per office personnel and upon trying different locations in different cities to be blocked, And to deny full medical attention and deny prescribing an antibiotic to patient for an upper respiratory infection after speaking with patients doctor after asking them not to call the doctor who is against the patient. Doctor was adament about patient not being able to get HIV testing without this doctor's consent or written script even tho one is not needed to go to Well Now for testing. It should be made illegal for any and all medical and office staff to Call ahead to the county health department office that does HIV testing to deny access to keep the circle of corruption going. A law needs to be put on place to stop emergency rooms from not listening to the patient that they have no doctor, and decide to call the old doctor who has problemtized the patient. Now patients with more than two to three years with no medical care due to blocked testing locations we turn to petitioning to maybe save the lives of other people who are denied medical care and medical HIV testing access in America. Many lawyers will not help the patient in this situation and patients will die due to negligence of multiple doctors and nurses. Patients are being told there is no category of law for what you are describing and therefore lawyers can't do it. As someone who has worked in the legal field for over 20 years this answer from lawyers was unacceptable. So this petition is also to create a new title and category of the type of law this will encompass. It is medical malpractice, criminal negligence, abuse of power and authority, abuse of the hypocratic oath, medicaid insurance fraud if patient is obtaining health insurance from the health market or medicaid alone. These same mandated reporters are not being held responsible to mandate report on each other and this new law will demand justice. Current reporting methods do not work and do not provide enough time to file proof when it's impossible to obtain it at the time of filing and the stalling of not getting the records needs to cease and desist. They get away with criminal negligence while the patient loses their life. If an adult goes to a social worker or the doctor brings in a social worker to discuss issues and the patient tells the truth of what the doctor, nurse did to them, and what the spouse and other people have done, then the social worker talks with the doctor about misconduct and changing test results before they are final resulted and the social worker tells the doctor to change them back after they ascertain from the doctor they did change them and they refuse, then the social worker should be mandated to report these findings to some division outside of the company to protect the patient. Instead of the social worker doing nothing about it and tells you to just get a different doctor and they cant help you and refuse to testify for you in court because you are told they work for the hospital and doctors. The medical personnel who know this doctor and nurse are a problem do nothing because they need their job and it's wrong when you go to an emergency room doctor for help tell them the situation and they refuse to help and the nurses and social workers in the hospital don't want to believe you and pass you off to a social worker who intimidates you to make you back off but it doesn't work. When the emergency room doctor tells the patient this doctor Always wants to know the test results before final resulted so the doctor can change them and they know it but do nothing they need to be fine, fired, imprisoned. When the emergency room doctor tells you this doctor should never get another patient referral and needs to lose their license because they are so bad, and they say they don't want to get involved thats wrong. Now this patient has to deal with medical trauma, Emotional trauma, and Gross negligence. The current ways to report a nurse and doctor are limiting and the statute of limitations needs to be changed to six (6) years. If debt collectors are allowed six (6) years to simply collect money then isn't the health and life of a patient worth more than a dollar bill.The dollar bill should not speak louder than the voice of an adult patient or special needs child or special needs adult. The current reporting methods are limited in scope, time constraint and limiting in the options of how to report if you have to report medical personnel. This permanent law will require social workers, doctors, nurses, medical personnel and office staff to report the abuses and testify in court to help the patient without fear of retaliation. What is the point of having a social worker if they protect the criminal because they are paid by that company. It also needs to be made a criminal offense when the doctor brings in a social worker to help him ascertain whether or not the patient had a smartphone to record the appointment and that's all they were worried about, not their conduct because the workers are in the pockets of the medical doctors. A social worker should not be biased against the patient because they like the doctor and use their own judgment they are good people and ignore the cries of the patient. It also needs to be made illegal for a nurse to administer b12 injections knowing they are going to contaminate the patient with a "cocktail" as the doctor called it. It should also be illegal for a nurse or technician, inject cancer substances and their own blood or the blood off of another patients labs that has HIV blood and illegal street drugs like heroin the nurse used for pain and inject their own blood into patient along with or instead of injecting the b12 shot. It should be made illegal for a nurse to dispense or use needles that are not for b12 shots, and a blood donor who knows they have hiv abd sends it with the patient special fir them needs to blocked up in prison. It should be made illegal for the doctors office to charge for b12 shots when they were not given and deteriorating patients health further. It should be made mandatory any blood lab technicians, nurses or staff who are privy to patients health demise and know the story and do not tell the patient they will be fined and fired. It also needs to be made into law that offices are breaching patient confidentiality between different offices and never stating in writing the diagnosis they elude to for the patients knowledge. It also should be made a law that doctors offices cannot discriminate against the spouse in denying medical services due to discrimination because the doctors are talking about the spouse's health issue amongst each other in front of the other spouse at the spouse's doctor appointment, but will not tell the patient what they know. It should be made illegal to deny a patient or patients spouse medical attention or refusal of obtaining a new doctor because of this medical issue of the patients spouse that this person is not aware of to date in an official medical record. I am seeking an immediate resolution to this situation as valuable time is ticking on the patients lives. Thank you and put people back into health care and start caring for them instead of caring about the almighty dollar. With your help you can sign this into law so patients can get the Healthcare they need and legally deserve.
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