Tell MA Lawmakers: Advance Medical Aid in Dying Today

The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act (H.4782/S.2745) has been advanced by the Joint Committee on Public Health and is now awaiting action by the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing! We've never made it this far in our fight to expand end-of-life care options in the Bay State since the bill was first introduced in 2011, but we're not at the finish line yet. Let's keep the momentum going.

Email your legislators today and urge them to advance the bills right away. 
Please pass the Massachusetts End of Life Options Act now

Dear [elected official],

During this time of COVID-19,  Americans are realizing the need to be empowered in all aspects of their life, including their ability to ensure that their health care providers respect their care wishes, especially at the end of life.

That is why I'm asking you to pass the Massachusetts End of Life Options Act (H.4782/S.2745) before the end of the year, so that more terminally ill Massachusetts residents will have the option of a peaceful death should their suffering become intolerable.

The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act empowers qualified, terminally ill adults to access the full range of compassionate, end-of-life care options in their final chapter of life, in accordance with their personal values and beliefs.

This compassionate option is supported by 70% of Massachusetts residents, according to November 2019 polling published by The Boston Globe this September (Boston Globe/Suffolk University Poll, Nov. 2019 - more details here: Despite this overwhelming public support, the bill is still awaiting your vote. Patients with a terminal diagnosis can not  afford to wait. Please push for a vote on this compassionate option without delay!

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