Who's afraid of the Big Brown Bear?

Who's afraid of the big brown bears? Are they more scared of us, or is it the other way around? All over Asia, brown bears are being captured and are being inhumanely treated. You wouldn't treat a child like this, or any human. So why treat a poor animal like it? Its horrible and wrong. Sure, they might be helpful to human medicine. But, even if it is for the benefit of humans, its not fair to shove them in small cages that you could barely put your big toe in. Please sign if you want animal cruelty to stop, and let the big brown bears have their freedom.

We, the undersigned feel very strongly about the encapturement of the brown bears in asia. How would you like to be put into a small cage when your about the size of a garden shed? How would you like not only to be put in a cage, but to have some of your bodily parts removed in a very painful way for medical science? No body would open themselves up to the invitation. So why should animals have to do it? Because they don't have the same rights? Because they can't talk? Who knows? Please help the brown bears of asia gain their freedom, and let the encapturement of brown bears be abolished!

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