CANCEL the Rodeo at Markham Fair!

  • par: Diana Skakavac
  • destinataire: 2016 President of Markham Fair Todd Robert Little; General Manager John Peco

Rodeo is a blatant display of animal cruelty hiding behind the name of ‘sport’. While rodeo participants and governing bodies claim they have only the highest standards of animal welfare, the events that commonly occur during rodeo can in no way be considered humane or moral. Please take a moment to imagine if, instead of calves, horses, and bulls, we were performing these acts on dogs, primates, or even fellow humans - roping them around the neck, throwing them down, tying their legs together, irritating their hindquarters so they buck. Would they still be considered moral?

Common competitions and practices include throwing a rope around a calf's neck, throwing them down on their side, and tying their legs together ('tie-down roping' a.k.a calf roping); tying straps of rope around horses' and bulls' hindquarters to irritate them into bucking out of pain and fear (saddle bronc, bareback and bull riding); and poking animals with cattle prods to provoke them into leaving the chute. 

Rodeo has no place in the 21st century.

This year, on October 1st and 2nd, 2016, the RAM Rodeo will be coming to the Markham Fair in Markham, Ontario. 

Please sign this petition to show Markham Fair that this type of cruelty is not entertainment - especially not for the children of this generation who will be taught that this type of cruelty to animals is acceptable.

Please contact Markham Fair staff to express your disappointment and demand they cancel the event:

Phone: 905-642-3247  General Manager John Peco: ext *222


Contact form here:

Videos of rodeo cruelty:


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