Stop Queensland marine wildlife killing

In Queensland, Australia, miles of shark nets and baited drums are set up along the coastal waters to catch and kill thousand and thousands of beautiful and endangered marine wildlife. These include dolphins, whales, sharks, turtles, dugongs amongst others.

It is estimated that around 78 000 sharks are killed each year, with their fins being highly sought after by the shark fin soup industry.  At present, the Australian authorities are doing nothing to prevent this and are actually openly allowing the possession, sale and trade of shark fins. 

If you would like to end this unsustainable and barbaric practice, then please sign this petition addressed to the Australian Prime Minister.  
'We the undersigned, are here today, to help persaude the honourable Australian Prime Minister to help ban the cruel and unnecessary slaughter of thousands and thousands of beautiful and endangered marine wildlife along the Queensland coastline.

We feel very strongly, that this barbaric act is not needed and is damaging the oceans and the wildlife that lives in it.

We thank you for taking the time to read this letter and we hope that one day, this unnecessary and cruel destruction to the oceans can be stopped for good.
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