Stop dog fighting and punish those participating in the cruel sport harsher!

  • par: Jane Smith
  • destinataire: Anyone with a heart
Imagine you were living in a warm, cosy home with a beautiful, loving family. You get taken on long walks along beaches, woods and anywhere else that allows dogs of the lead. It was the perfect life for you and this had been your home for as long as you can remember. You have watched the little toddlers grow into thriving young children and so on.
But all of this changed.
Once a week the family and you would walk down to the local shop and whilst they were shopping inside you are tied up outside. Lots of people always stop and compliment you with a little tickle under the chin or a pat on the back because of your beauty. So its no different when a couple of men come up and have a long look at you. However, the lead falls loose and they drag you inside a large black van and tie you up with a cruel choke chain which is fastened way to tight already. It is a long journey, especially since you are tied up in such cruel conditions. When the van finally stops, you are taken out into a small cage with a few other dogs nearby who don't look friendly at all. After a few days without food or water, you are parched and when the man comes and lets you out, you are assuming it is time for a long due feed. It isn't. He beats you hard then leaves you to bleed in the awful conditions that you are in. Again, it is a long time before anyone comes and you are very afraid. Suddenly, a door opens and you stumble through to see what is there. You stand confused in a large ring, with another vicious dog on a lead with someone holding onto him. A huge crowd cheers suddenly, with a moments pause until the vicious dog is let off. He tears you to peices, much to the crowds delight. It is a long, hard death.
Don't let this continue.
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