Petition for 'The Thick of It' to Continue

We, the undersigned, believe that 'The Thick of It' should continue on into a fifth series. As well as being an hilarious and well made show, in the current political climate, (worryingly accurate) satires such as this are vital to raising public awareness of the workings and failings of government. The well of political folly will never run dry and, as such, plot lines can never be in short supply, and there will always be an audience. 

Possible activist motives aside, the last series demonstrated that the show can still be rib-achingly funny without Malcolm Tucker as a front man. Characters such as Mannion and Nicola are extremely well-formed and popular in their own right and another series could easily be created to revolve around them. The episodes focusing on Mannion's government alone were among the funniest there have ever been.

With both Roger Allam and Rebecca Front having openly expressed their desire for the series to continue, the only opposition seems to lie with, you, the creators and we would urge you not to let this particular flame die out.

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