Sign petition: stop dog cruelty in Sanjay Gandhi animal care centre , Delhi , India.

Dogs are being beaten and killed brutally, despite having done nothing wrong.

Unfortunately, misguided officials often authorise brutal beating and other inhumane methods of killing abandoned dogs in Sanjay Gandhi animal care centre.They don't know there is another way, but if enough people stand up and tell them, maybe they'll listen.
By combining our voices, we can tell them that it isn't ok to let animals be shot and left to die of terrible wounds. Together, we can help them understand that animals don't have to be beaten and left to wander confused and suffering as their bodies shut down.

Your signature will help pave the way for these compassionate groups to do their work and change the way communities approach stray animals.
Together, we can stop the abuse and needless death of thousands of stray dogs in Sanjay Gandhi animal care centre. Please help by speaking out against this horrific practice. Sign the petition today to ban the killing of stray dogs in communities across the globe.

We'll send your letter to as many government offices as possible.

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