Fight for our breed KC

please help us with the fight to lift the pitbull ban in KCK We need to stop blaming the breed for human actions and way of life. I've owned many pitbulls over the years. Never once have i questioned the safety of my children or myself. Ive been bit once by a dog and it was a german Shepard, I am more scared of them attacking a loved one then a pitbull. Although Dogs of all breeds can be aggressive The most effective use of resources is to target aggressive dogs based on behavior and not on their appearance.” It's funny that We can bond out literally $100 million for some long-term street improvement and it’s a two-minute vote up-and-down and no one is in the audience. But you start talking about a pitbull dog and we’ll fill this room. More and more evidence is pointing to the fact that pit bulls are no more dangerous than any other dog breed. They are remarkably loyal and loving and were once known as the “Nanny Dog” because they were so trusted with children. The National Canine Research Council reports “there is no scientific evidence that one kind of dog is more likely than another to injure a human being.” It’s bad ownership, not bad dogs, that make dogs aggressive. The breed isn’t the problem — the owner is. Please help us by signing this petition to lift the Pitbull ban. This will be sent to numerous people including Unified government of Wyandotte county and more. My kids dog was taken from them, that was they're dog they're friend and for KCPD to just come take her away because of her appearance is down right wrong I will stand and argue my case till this is resolved. Thank you all.
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