Mutley - Has now been Put To Sleep.R.I.P sweet boy:-((((((

This poor dog has had a bad start in life. According to the R.S.P.C.A., we are of the understanding he was possibly used in dog fighting. He was found covered with lacerations all over his little body.

Let's give this boy the chance of a forever home. He has the chance to make a good recovery from the torture he has suffered. Given the right care and a loving environment, he could have a happy life with someone. Please sign this UK petition and help save him. He needs us.

If the dog's owner cannot be and if he is identified as a prohibited type -- do you think he should be put to death?

Defra have confirmed to us in writing that a Local Authority can become the registered owner of an exempted dog via court order. But, it is also possible that a suitable home with a responsible owner could be found via a transfer of keepership.

Would you support the Local Authority if they attempted to save him via the courts, if no owner is found and he is deemed to be a pit bull breed? Please help save this dog's life! He has suffered enough and deserves to live the rest of his life in a loving home.

You can find out more at this Facebook page:

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
DDA Watch We have received a further written reply from RSPCA HQ today, regarding Mutley the dog who is in RSPCA care, as follows -

''Mutley the dog is receiving veterinary treatment for his injuries and is being well cared for. A police dog liaison officer has confirmed that he is not covered by the breed specific legislation set out in the Dangerous Dogs Act. However, he has clearly suffered some horrendous treatment and is still recuperating so is not available for rehoming at this time.''

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Latest update on Mutley is DDA Watch Official RSPCA Update: Mutley confirmed not of type. He is still a poorly boy though and needs rest/recuperation. Not up for rehoming at this time. (Via our Twitter account.) Cheryl Jackson
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Hi everyone, just to let everybody know we are still awaiting an update about Mutley.As soon as we hear anything we will update. Thanks
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