As throughout many years there have been efforts to enforce regulations upon horse drawn carriages, however unsuccessful, they repeat offenses to the regulations and laws. Hence, for the animal exploitation and abuse  in addition to the hazards to the community in general, we hereby request that the PROTECTION AND WELL-BEING OF ANIMALS ACT OF THE STATE OF QUINTANA ROO published in the Official Journal on March 30th., 2010 be enforced, whose Article 29 Section XI reads: IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER: THE USE AND TRAFFIC OF ANIMAL POWERED VEHICLES ON PAVED ROADS AND FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN FARMING. Therefore it is clearly understood that the use of tourist carriages are forbidden within all Districts in the State of Quintana Roo, accordingly we feel there are enough grounds to cancel the concessions and/or permits,  thus we hereby request that so be it done.

The history behind the situation of these horses is a well-known fact by many: bought at a low price, tired and sick, in other words, in the last stage of their lives. The conditions they work under: 8 to 10 hours every day, without any water so they do not urinate, nor food so they do not relieve their bowels, wearing diapers just in case it happens; never under the shade, but under very high temperatures which together with the heat of the pavement, reach beyond 50%uFFFD C (122%uFFFD F), and riding through the busiest streets in the Island, a fact that implies stress to the animals along with the risks to pedestrians; using very poor quality or patched harnesses  that produce sores and hurt them while walking over the pavement; exceeding animal%u2019s movement capacity  and without proper and necessary nourishment for a working animal. And as if that weren%u2019t enough, more than one has witnessed the abuse suffered by the carriage drivers, who have no experience in handling animals, let alone the correct way animals should be treated. Their health conditions are visible; it is quite common to see horses frothing at the mouths, sweating, exhausted, hurt, sick, and sometimes they have fainted and even died in the middle of the street.

These are daily sights we, the locals and tourists, see. This is not the image we want to give the world: the appearance of a cold-hearted and uncivilized society. 

For many years now, tourists as well as locals, associations, activist groups and journalists have sent letters, complaints and claims to authorities who do not do anything about it, disregarding if local, state and even federal laws are being broken; endangering the tourism image of the Island as well as safety of tourists who use these services, when in fact they do know about the accidents and incidents that have occurred where  tourists, locals and horses have been injured, and only penalize them with a fine and next day they are out again in the streets; thus, making evident the corruption behind this industry based upon bribes and threats; making it hard to understand why so much impunity.

 Far from being a tradition or tourist attraction, carriages are a mayor hazard for cars, bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians, in addition to obstructing traffic as they hold-back emergency vehicles, without forgetting the animal abuse and exploitation; thus there are campaigns in cities all around the world to ban these practices.

As throughout many years there have been efforts to enforce regulations upon them, however unsuccessful, they repeat offenses to the regulations and laws. Hence, for all of the above in addition to the hazards to the community in general, we hereby request that the PROTECTION AND WELL-BEING OF ANIMALS ACT OF THE STATE OF QUINTANA ROO published in the Official Journal on March 30th., 2010 be enforced, whose Article 29 Section XI reads: IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER: THE USE AND TRAFFIC OF ANIMAL POWERED VEHICLES ON PAVED ROADS AND FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN FARMING. Therefore it is clearly understood that the use of tourist carriages are prohibited within all Districts in the State of Quintana Roo, accordingly we feel there are enough grounds to cancel the concessions and/or permits,  thus we hereby request that so be it done.


 Por medio de la presente nos dirigimos a ustedes, de la manera m%uFFFDs atenta y respetuosa para que tengan a bien atender el presente llamado en el cual les solicitamos la cancelaci%uFFFDn de los permisos y/o concesiones municipales y estatales de las llamadas calesas.

La historia de estos caballos es del conocimiento de muchos: son comprados a muy bajo precio ya que son caballos viejos, cansados y enfermos, es decir, en la %uFFFDltima etapa de sus vidas. Las condiciones bajo las que trabajan por periodos de 8 a 10 horas al d%uFFFDa, sin agua para que no orinen, ni alimento para que no defequen, portando pa%uFFFDal por si esto llegase a suceder, sin sombra, a altas temperaturas que aunado al calor del pavimento rebasa los 50 grados cent%uFFFDgrados y los traen andando por las calles m%uFFFDs transitadas de la isla con el estr%uFFFDs que esto implica para los animales y el riesgo que esto conlleva para los transe%uFFFDntes y peatones; usando arneses de p%uFFFDsima calidad o parchados y herraduras que les causan llagas y les lastiman al andar en el pavimento, Rebasando la capacidad de empuje del animal, sin la alimentaci%uFFFDn adecuada y necesaria para un animal de trabajo. Por si todo esto fuera poco, m%uFFFDs de uno hemos atestiguado el maltrato que sufren por parte de los caleseros, los cuales no tienen la m%uFFFDs m%uFFFDnima experiencia no solo en el manejo de dichos animales sino mucho menos en el trato a darles. Evidente es a simple vista el deplorable estado de salud en el que los tienen, es com%uFFFDn ver caballos con espuma en la boca, sudados, agotados, lastimados, enfermos y en varias ocasiones han desfallecido y fallecido en medio de la calle.

Estas son las escenas diarias que vivimos los isle%uFFFDos y los turistas, esta no es la imagen que queremos dar al mundo, la imagen de una sociedad insensible e incivilizada.

Durante el transcurso de los a%uFFFDos Turistas, locales, asociaciones, grupos activistas y periodistas han enviado cartas, denuncias y quejas a las autoridades sin que nadie haga nada al respecto, sin importar que est%uFFFDn violando leyes municipales, estatales e inclusive federales, poniendo en peligro la imagen tur%uFFFDstica de la isla al igual que la seguridad de los turistas quienes utilizan este servicio y con el conocimiento de  los accidentes e incidentes que han ocurrido en los que  turistas, locales y caballos han salido heridos, simplemente se limitan a ponerles una multa y al  d%uFFFDa siguiente est%uFFFDn de nuevo en las calles,  evidenciando as%uFFFD una  obvia red de corrupci%uFFFDn detr%uFFFDs de esta industria basada en sobornos y amenazas, sin poderse entender el por qu%uFFFD de tanta impunidad.

 Las calesas lejos de ser una tradici%uFFFDn o atracci%uFFFDn tur%uFFFDstica son un peligro para los automovilistas, ciclistas, motociclistas y peatones al igual que obstruyen al tr%uFFFDfico impidiendo el libre tr%uFFFDnsito de veh%uFFFDculos de emergencia sin dejar a un lado el abuso y la explotaci%uFFFDn animal, por estos motivos existen campa%uFFFDas en ciudades de todo el mundo para prohibirlas.

Debido a que durante a%uFFFDos se les ha tratado de reglamentar sin %uFFFDxito alguno reincidiendo en faltas a los reglamentos y leyes que los rigen; por todo lo antes aqu%uFFFD mencionado, al igual que por ser un riesgo para la comunidad en general, les pedimos que se haga cumplir la  LEY DE PROTECCION Y BIENESTAR ANIMAL DEL ESTADO DE QUINTANA ROO, publicada en el peri%uFFFDdico oficial el 30 de marzo del a%uFFFDo en curso,  la cual en su art%uFFFDculo 29 fracci%uFFFDn XI, dice: QUEDA PROHIBIDO POR CUALQUIER MOTIVO: EL USO Y TRANSITO DE VEHICULOS DE TRACCION ANIMAL EN VIALIDADES ASFALTADAS Y PARA FINES DISTINTOS AL USO AGROPECUARIO. Por lo que se entiende que las llamadas calesas tur%uFFFDsticas est%uFFFDn prohibidas en los municipios del estado de Quintana Roo.,Por lo que sentimos que existen suficientes razones para que dichas concesiones y/o permisos sean revocados, por lo cual solicitamos a ustedes que as%uFFFD se haga.
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