Pride Should not be Hidden!

While although Catholic schools preach about being inclusive, they themselves do not follow by that motto. Pride should be celebrated and not hidden from the schools community, and it is inexcusable that the school has taken down LGBTQ+ flags! Discrimination like this is uncalled for, Catholic schools as a whole needs to expand the idea of including everyone.
We need to begin by hanging the Pride flag, without taking it down. Eventually, if the students fight hard enough, the students can begin to accept the idea for assemblies and clubs to support anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
Use the hashtag #MoreStDavidsPride and follow the instagram @stdavidspride for updates. Tag us in your photos to help the cause and show us your pride!

UPDATE: WCDSB schools have made a 'pride' flag of their own to hang, however, this flag does not represent pride whatsoever. A member of the WCDSB said they would resign if the pride flag was hung. Continue to sign and share to help change this!

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 4 ans
Hello Everybody!

Thank you for signing the petition, we are continuing to fight for the pride flag to fly! Currently, the WCDSB has made a flag of it's own to fly, which does not represent the LGBTQ+ community. One of the members has also threatened to resign if the pride flag was raised!! This is NOT okay. Please share the petition to help, every signature helps!

Thank you
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