Petition To Get Lunch off Campus

    As seniors, I think it that since we are able to drive to and from school everyday, we should also be able to leave during our lunch period to get lunch off campus (Jackson Plaza). We have accessible restaurants within a minute away from us. We could be able to pick up food, drive back to the school, and eat within the 30 minute lunch period that we are given. If a student doesn't make it back to class on time, they will face consequences for being late. $5 will be needed to purchase a special pass to leave during lunch, and students will be asked to show their pass on the way out of the school. For future years, seniors can pay the additional $5 fee for a lunch pass when buying a parking pass. This should be a senior privilege, not for juniors driving second semester. Other schools are able to do this, and I think that we should be able to also. Being so close to the Jackson Plaza gives us an advantage to get there and back within the 30 minute time given.
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